Come funziona

If you don't want to read, Watch the video tutorial… Click here.


Just launch the Relief app, you will find a toolbar at the bottom with some functions and the first “point 1″ already inserted. By tapping on this point will open a toolbar with buttons to create (starting from selected point) A new point, a new line or other functions. Now use the keypad for insErie the relative coordinates of the next point.

Tips: If you want to align the new point to an existing one, instead of entering the distance in the DeltaX or DeltaY field of the keypad, You can tap on the point where you want to align. the selected deltax or deltay field will autofill with the correct distance.

Since normally the next points are perpendicular to each other, As soon as you enter a point, the perpendicular coordinate field is activated. Quidni appena you have entered the Delta X value, the app puts the focus directly on the Delta Y field for the next point.

In the keypad there are, in addition to the usual insert and delete keys, also two special function keys:

  • INVERT VALUES: is used to reverse the values entered in the Delta X field with those entered in the Delta Y field.
  • LINE TYPE: Change the line type to highlight certain parts of the relief. And’ You can choose a solid line, a dotted line and a thin line.

Tips: when you enter relative coordinates to insert a new point, Consider the minus or plus sign to define the direction with respect to the axis. A positive value moves up or to the right, a negative value down or left.


The toolbar below updates depending on what is selected.


If you have not selected anything you will find the functions: “Zoom all” To View the Entire Drawing; “Zoom Window” To highlight a window to maximize (This function is also available by pressing and holding an empty spot on the display); “Cancel” to access the toolbar to undo or redo the last moves; “Text note” To insert a note (See the dedicated video to understand how it works); “Bow” To insert an arc by selecting three points already inserted; “Trilaterazione see the dedicated page.

A bow can be inserted only after detecting three points that represent it. This allows and obliges the construction of the arch only based on points actually detected.


If you have selected a point you can: insert a “new line” or a “new point” starting from the selected point; “Edit” the location of the point (any lines or arcs connected to the point will change accordingly); building a new “bow” selecting three points already inserted; build a “rectangle” starting from the selected point and inserting base and height; “eliminate” the selected point and the lines and arcs connected to it.


When you have selected a line you can: “Edit” the position of the line by entering the shift in the X and Y direction; create a “New line offset” of a DIST value from the previous (a negative value for the opposite side); create a “Point on the line” distant a certain value from one of the two vertices (very useful if the line is inclined); Modify the “Line type”; “eliminate” The line (however, it does not delete the connected points).


When you have an arc selected you can create a “New Deviated Arch” of a DIST value from the previous, “Edit” the type of line or “eliminate” The Arch (does not eliminate building points).


If you select two points you can quickly create the line that connects them, “measure the distance” between the two or construct a rectangle where the two points are opposite edges.


Notes can also be edited or deleted. Watch the video dedicated to inserting notes.

Now you can go to the site menu to discover more insights on some particular functions…

For any questions or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact me. I will try to answer as soon as possible!

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